Aimed at: Medicine

The main objective of the HOW I DO IT training program is the constant training development and updating of the knowledge of health professionals with regard to the different contents, techniques, strategies and health methodologies of the different specialties, so that they can offer in all high-quality medical care for patients in the field of emergencies. In each edition of this training program, different contents of different specialties are addressed.


The main objectives of the course are:

  • Respond to the training needs of the health professional in the area of the emergency center.
  • Improve knowledge, skills and attitudes, updating according to current evidence criteria in each field to be explored in the corresponding edition.
  • Acquire instrumental skills related to the field of action to be explored in the corresponding edition, according to current evidence.
  • Acquire the necessary attitudes to treat patients of a specific specialty.


In this edition, the content is as follows:

  1. Medical Evaluation of Preoperatory
  2. Tissue Expansion
  3. Tendon Transfer for Extensor Pollicis Rupture Longus
  4. Painful Shoulder
  5. Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Disease: Surgical Treatment



Course accredited by the Commission for Continuing Education of the health professions of the community of Cantabria

No. of credits: 7,2 Credits


What are Continuing Education Credits and what are they for:

They are credits granted by the Commission for Continuing Education of the Health Professions of the National Health System, for Continuing Education Courses or activities aimed at qualified health professionals, and are valid throughout the national territory.

Health professionals can use these credits to score points in competitions-opposition, in merit competitions, in transfer competitions, in recruitment lists and employment exchanges convened by any Spanish Health Administration, these being the Health Services of the Autonomous Communities and the Ministry of Health.

For any additional questions, contact

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